Monday, July 9, 2018

The Calm Before The Storm

It's one week to departure. The 'calm' before the 'storm', if you will. For many of us, it's a week of final preparations- gathering the last of our supplies; sorting and washing clothes to decide what to bring; packing, unpacking, and repacking our suitcases. For many, it's a week of wrapping things up at work, and or at home, to make sure things are covered in our absence. For others, it's been spent enjoying time away from home. It's been time spent soaking in a brand new grandbaby. It's been time spent preparing for a move upon our return. It's been time spent soaking up time with our loved ones. This week looks a little different for all of us in how our time is spent. Although, I imagine it's fairly similar in pondering what this trip will bring; wondering what God has in store for us, as a group and as individuals; trying to prepare our hearts and minds to work in God's Kingdom outside our comfort zones. Time may be spent reviewing Thai & Akha language videos, going over our itinerary, or refreshing our knowledge on squatty potties {Truth. Not all toliets are western toliets.}. We may spend time in prayer and meditation, asking God for safety, for guidance, to use us for His glory.
We met last week and received our boxes of supplies. Each one of us is responsible for bringing about 20 pounds worth of supplies we're taking with us- games, craft stuff, and miscellaneous goods. We also received our luggage tags to put on our checked baggage, each one numbered, each number assigned to a team member. Our badges are made. Travel assignments given. Our fearless leaders have organized and prepared us well. 
We. Are. Ready. Bring. It. On.
Our awesome red & blue bandanna luggage tags#1-24

Supplies, divided between the 12 of us.

Mark telling us about our boxes & luggage tags.

Our team badges.

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